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A mother of two…Hannah n aqil…i believe in family. i believe in simplicity.. i believe in the golden rule. i believe in natural. mostly, i believe in being happy. This is a slice of my life. Last but not least I have a workaholic husband to feed us all well, that pretty much shuts me up. Jangan marah ek

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Thursday, 9 October 2014

Akim & The Magistrate Mewangi Akustik

he is the one


Our own life is a great teacher as we never really ever stop learning from our own experiences in life.  There is a quote that goes: “A wise man learns from the mistakes of others, a fool learns from his own mistakes”  I had heard another quote version of this same quote and so I went looking for it online as I actually thought that it went like this: “A wise man learns from his own mistakes, but an even wiser man learns from the mistakes of others”  For the longest time this is how I would quote this and I would add that the world is full of simply wise n good people and not so many the wiser ones, as i tend to have to learn things through my own experience.
I would agree that if we are really smart, we will the word of those who have had certain experiences and learn to avoid the same mistakes through their testimony.  But unfortunately it just doesn’t seem to go this way most of the time. My child-like curiosity can get the best of me and i will just have to see for myself  if it will work out or not (whatever lah it may be). This why it is said that experience is the best teacher, in fact, maybe i would try to run into a brick wall i usually  go a different way the next time around.....
While growing up it  i seems to be not to take people’s word for things and to have a buying desire to prove other’s wrong, especially if they assert authority over me. But then, as time goes on, i start to figure that it might have been a lot better if i had paid attention to the teacher who had been there and done that in order to save myself a lot of time and sometimes grief.  There can tend to linger on a certain pride that battles with having to give in and finally  accept that someone else just might know what they are saying. Sounds wierd huh?  more often than not want to be right, sometimes even when i am wrong....Oh my...
I believe that wisdom shines its light on us when we finally realize that we are not actually the everything in n that i need to pay attention to others on certain topics.  It is wonderful how i wish i can have such a vast array of talent and intelligence around m from whom to draw n step in...  i just need to use this and allow wisdom to become my destiny..... Thats all....

           This breathtaking picture was taken in Baling, Kedah

morning love

It is difficult to measure love, and I believe that a lot of the love that is shown on a day-to-day basis can tend to get overlooked. My hubby is not been Mat Jiwang or Mat Bunga with flowers in his hand, or an outstanding poem or song written for me . Unfortunately for me, he is sort of more the “simple guy” who shows his love by being there on a day-to-day basis attempting to do those many needed tasks or errands to render life at least a wee bit easier for me. even he can be grumpy most of the time.

Have been married or together with someone for so very many years, this demonstration of love can appear to be neglect. It is not seen so “extraordinary” or “special” anymore since i can grow accustomed to it and lose appreciation for the one who is and has been there for you through thick and thin. That is why for so many, i feel as though i have “lost” that love and are no longer able to see it for what it really is. But in today’s world, it means a great deal! All too often people run away in search of that romantic "nora danish n bossned" dream life, leaving behind them what was actually real love all along!

I can never give too much love, that is true…but you will most likely never feel as though i had too much. It is in the little things day by day that love needs to be manifested, received, appreciated in order to recognize that i have never ever lost what i need and desire, i just need to look at it in the right perspective.

I am glad we have Valentines Day....The day of love, in which everyone is scrambling to do something special for that special someone in their lives! ...The only thing i never get enough of is love; and the only thing i never give enough of is love......

the feeling to blog again

“Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways.”  ~Stephen VincentBenĂ©t

I guess sometimes we really don’t appreciate things until they are long gone!  We live our lives as if we will be here forever, and then such as happened to me when my mom's passing n it my whole life has changed, or in some cases it has ended!   This could be you!

A time of reflection is healthy and often occurs when something devastating happens just around the corner.  But it would be wise to have this karma each and every day!  Just think, what if i didn’t show just how much i appreciated my husband or child or friend yesterday, and i wake up to find that they are missing through an accident or disaster? ....hmmmm I often think of where i have failed so miserably in times such as these, but in the hustle and bustle of the day, i may tend to largely ignore or take for granted those we live and work with....
I would be better off living as though today was my last.  Be there for others, i always show appreciation, give a hug, be kind because tomorrow may never come for them, or even for me.  This is a reality that i often choose to ignore since it is an unpleasant thought, but the world would be a better place if i all had this mindset.....anyway i love everyone who loves me back ..... its a silly starting but i call it asa a warm up .....