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A mother of two…Hannah n aqil…i believe in family. i believe in simplicity.. i believe in the golden rule. i believe in natural. mostly, i believe in being happy. This is a slice of my life. Last but not least I have a workaholic husband to feed us all well, that pretty much shuts me up. Jangan marah ek

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Tuesday, 29 April 2014

life a lesson

Sometimes when we pray for Allah to direct our footsteps and prosper us and all the while we have forgotten to pray about our own social circles. Well even if we forget about that, Allah is still amazing. He will work on it and people and places that will stunt our destiny won't be able to cling to us. And so it makes sense if there is a says said: "Sometimes Good Things Fall Apart So Better Things Can Fall Together".
And sometimes outward appearances are deceiving. The most confident appearing one could be the one suffering from low self-esteem. No one is perfect. Don't let appearances fool you. Take time to unpeel the layers of those around you so you can connect and help each other with different struggles.....

Adele - Love Song (Lyrics) - HD

 Love Song

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again

However far away, I will always love you
However long I stay, I will always love you
Whatever words I say, I will always love you
I will always love you

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am free again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am clean again

However far away, I will always love you
However long I stay, I will always love you
Whatever words I say, I will always love you
I will always love you 

Its my day

Everyday at 7 in the morning, and I'm still in bed, agonizing over having to go into house chores. My cell in my body seems to be complaining about it, my heart feels heavy, and yet my mind which drives my guilty conscience, my sense of obligation somehow will drag me out of bed and into the morning breeze. My thoughts, words and actions are not in harmony.
I am grateful for my life - it always gives me freedom, comfort, and at home even most of my weekends i will be away ...and that's what keeps me chained to computer for hours and hours each day. And i love being in front of this devil gadget ....So I'm giving away my freedom of one kind to gain freedom of another kind. It always make sense. And yet I continue on in this way, day after day, year after year, and pretty soon my life is gone.....My hope it wont be that soon ...maybe i am gone in 25 years later.. Is this my destiny? It might have been, but destinies can be changed, can't they? Maybe i can create my own destiny. I think that's when I can transform myself from a tree, into becoming a piece of the a big shelter to human being.... Is that audacious? I don't think so - that's what I'm meant to be. That's what I'm seeking, longing for, life after life. Is this the lifetime where I might discover that part of me - my inner platinum - so I can let go of the beautiful shell? I hope so......

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

My Payed

The truth is i have tons of nice thing to share with readers about my anak angkat name Payed....
Well the truth is I am the kind of 100% devoted to my own children...i may have load of good things to spit out about my very own child.. I am a generous mother by the way but mostly all meant to my Hannah n Aqil.. I see other kids as a normal item selling on the rack all means i just love my own child....

But as time goes by, i have been following the MCKK rugby team all over their tournament as non bergaji photographer i met many of the school's rugger until early of last year during the MCKK Premier 7 2013 my eyes was stuck amazingly watching one particular boy who plays rugby very well..  

I was amazed at the opportunities that Allah has provided for him. Knowing that he has such an amazing opportunity to showcase that joy, to push beyond his limits and to stretch himself past even what he thinks is capable of is an amazing, amazing kidding...that was the first time i am falling into him...hahahahaha...yes that is the time i knew his name is Payed...mmmm...super nice feeling....moms feeling though !!!

The thing is during any time of his rugby game anytime anybody will throw him the ball, Payed will grab on to it with the vigor and strength of youth n he will run n run . Payed will run hard n its remind me of Forrest Gump. He will breathe from deep down inside. Payed will plant his feet gently n firmly n he will keep his eye on his destination right to the pole n being aware of the obstacles in his path. If ever he is knocked down, there are those on his team who will surround him and keep him safe, not only, but they’ll do everything they can to keep that ball moving....amazing super amazing

The one that i keep salute n wonder about Payed is every time if he fails, he’ll get back up.
If he trips, he’ll focus on regrouping, getting his confidence back up and moving forward.

When the team wins, he will win with honour. And when the team loses, because every team does, he will accept that with grace and plan for next time...It’s who he is. It’s what he is trained for.
But he’s the player on the field.
For my eyes only...those who feels i am exaggerating, too bad.....i dont owe anyone explanations !!!!

I will always see the back of those big shoulders as he walks away n giving me the sweetest smile........and i hope its all gonna be alright for my Payed

I will always be his n his team mommy angkat n will always cheer and wave and hug and release u for better life ahead exactly like what i did every time during his rugby game....All the best my boys

As excited n proud as I am of how hard Payed worked out,  how determined he is n how truly loyal and devoted he is to his MCKK team n as much as I know that the next number of days will be filled with watsap n texts informing me the scores and plays, the excitement and bonding of teammates that are in what is, for most of them this is their last year together…

Mmmmm.....thus my mommy's love towards Payed is plentiful n hopeful, I see this incredible future that I know, I pray Allah has planned out for him, this opening in the world n in life and in all that ever was and all that will ever be with Payed's name on it.

And my prayers for him hoping that tomorrow is well, it’s today, now. And today my son, the man, 
will head to another journey to live his joy.

And experience the joy and momentary pain of letting go and placing my anak angkat again and again and again the hands of a good good Allah who saved and salvaged our lives. May Allah bless u Payed for the rest of your lives.....Mommy will always loves u so much .....