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A mother of two…Hannah n aqil…i believe in family. i believe in simplicity.. i believe in the golden rule. i believe in natural. mostly, i believe in being happy. This is a slice of my life. Last but not least I have a workaholic husband to feed us all well, that pretty much shuts me up. Jangan marah ek

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Thursday, 13 October 2011

what a day-long conversation with liza

Do you know that I try to be really careful not to write anything "bad" about anyone. I think some people would do that, but not in my blog. I really would hate to hurt anyone's feelings or business afterall... There are so many things I'd love to write about but i don't because I know they'd eventually come back to bite me in the ass....I wont go trying to ruin someone's reputation.. especially my immediate family...

I know I'm NOT patient and calm person at all so that i am worried about!!!! it's not necessarily the person dat bad mouthing me but the people around me may be affected.... especially today....had a very long telephone conversation with my beloved cousin Liza....couldnt say more.....mostly it covers all about the third party story ....mengucap ajelah ...but once i'm done talking to Liza i can easily call the third party and screw "her" up..I’m not going to bad mouth "her" the third party in my blog, I’m tempted to but I won’t do it..It's so childish.

And speaking about this bad experience... even during arwah mak is still around... this "third party" really behave exactly like a bitch and whine about every single little thing .. so its typically of "her" hormone ...i presumed..

Actually, on second thoughts....i don't give her a chance to bad-mouth about me. Before she does that, i should be nice to everybody...... When everybody sees this side of me, I don't think her bad-mouthing will work.

I just don't think people realize the harm they can do to a person with just a couple of words.

Go ahead super bitch and have a nice time!!!

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Reconnected with Shikin

Happy after all... I had a “old-friend-get together” phone session with my old friend from my previous work. One of the beauties of Facebook is getting reconnected across the years and miles. I'm so happy I could just scream like a little girl getting a bar of chocolate.

She is one of my long lost friends and I can say that we shared a lot of experiences doing some naughty activities during our working days. So after exchanging the usual pleasantry, we start reminiscing the past activities and had a good laugh about it. We laugh so hard till out stomach hurt and our tears get out...oh dear...what a wonderful memories then.... We’re blessed to be able to share the story.

But of course we touched about our current life and careers. She's doing great! She got married to a wonderful man who totally understands what she went through. Three beautiful daughters.. She's got a new career in JB and is currently expanding on that even further. She has a big full wonderful life.

Tears falling down instantly.. Gosshhh.. Miss u so much shikin.....Miss our friendship, miss everything about us..

Household Chores I Don't Love

A messy house is stressful and contributes to mental block. Of all the household chores that I need to accomplish doing, the folding clothes is the least I want to do. It's the most tiresome chore that sucks all my energy ...I have a mountain of clean clothes piling up high on my couch for days now waiting to be folded... why fold your clothes when you can simply throw them into the cupboard? When I get the time and mood I start folding them. Then again the same steps are repeated. But tonight i am forcing my self to do it before my hubby is back from labuan....mesti tunjuk baik n rajin.... (God...please have mercy on me) I'm surely not happy about it but something had to be done!

Now i am missing arwah mak how she loves to fold the laundry and folds underwear n hubby socks nicely...(even most of the time it unmatch) I missed that! Al-Fatihah to mak.....;(

Monday, 10 October 2011


I think that my body decided to tell me something now: must sleep more. Yep. It's a simple message.....poe lah tidoooooooooooooooooooo

My super duper niece HAZIQAH

No one reads my blog

When I first started blogging, I did mainly for myself. When i blog for myself i have all those little voices in my head saying, "Ah, that's not interesting enough for people to read." or "What will people think of me?" I just write and it feels good!

I wonder, a non-business blogger (at least on this blog) if it's okay to not have an audience... it makes it feel more personal to me, because I'm writing for myself, not for the people reading my posts and random comments. It's hard to be truly personal and open in a public forum. Much better to focus on writing for oneself. I agree. It's better to post for myself. Makes me more real, vulnerable and true to be who i am......

But then I'm glad i do have my one and only beautiful niece Haziqah.

I cannot believe how grown up she looked. How quickly a baby becomes a beautiful young lady in a blink of an eye.. Time does fly!

I love her to the utmost for as many reasons as I could think of and I am sure she knows this very well. One could never have just one glance towards her, as she has such attractive features that you would want to look at her cutest face and her charming persona for as long as u can.

Her character reflects on her beaming face like a bright star shinning in the sky, which is very hard to ignore. Her personality is attributed with words like charismatic...

I pray that she grows up to be the happiest and the healthiest. May she be blessed with joy, intelligence, dignity and happiness in abundance.

I hope, someday she reads this and realize how much I love her…for she is worth every bit of it and much more…(for sure i she read it) u Iqah
That's the trouble with little ones, they don't stay that way.
What happened to the baby girl who called me "cik jita...cik jita"....
She's beautiful! Seeing her like this made me cry!
My niece grew up overnight ....and turning to be a nona cantekkkk....

The art of relaxation

Dear Diary....

Over the past few months, I have struggled with truly letting go of internal stress . Somehow, though, this weekend, I have managed to let go of my stresses and forget about doing things other than relaxing. What a great pleasure, and I hope to continue refining the art of relaxation and letting go. Thank u dot dot dot.....Will catch up with u soon......

No fb

Over the past few weeks, I've felt logging off of the computer... For days and even two weeks at a time, I have not been logging in to Facebook, nor have I been checking my 'personal' e-mail incessantly. And I've got to tell you: it feels great.

I'm no longer spending hours at a time playing mindless games or obsessing over what people had for lunch, lepak kat mana, marah kat siapa or how they feel about politics, friends, people, environment bla bla bla bla... Perhaps we don't all need to be as connected as we think. When I do log in to Facebook and other online resources, I realize that I haven't really been missing anything. I feel free!

yeah....eventually i can never stay away from it too long though :P...hahahaha...on balik fb da....i love my fb

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Question and Answer (A very good one)

Question-My son loves art and is very good at drawing. My side of the family has no artistic ability and neither does his fathers. How is this possible that he can be so good at it? Do these things not run in families?

Answer- He's not your son, biologically. Obviously, he was switched at birth with another child and you took the wrong baby home from the hospital. It happens, on occasion....HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...I LOVE U AQIL...♥

kinda cool picture

Here are today's picks: Some pictures of something that makes you happy

friendship bracelet nostalgia

So, while I was browsing the internet last night, I came across an awesome post on making friendship bracelets. You know.. the ones we all used to make back in school all year and trade with our friends? Seriously... I carried the whole stuff colourfuls thread with me to school, and of course scissors but not some cool-looking beads as in trends nowadays. My friends and I would make them on recess ( bagi aku satu oi...aku nak satu ...aku nak...lepas sorang sorang... I miss those days!), and swap them. Before too long, we would have 5-10 on and it used to be our kinda cool bracelet....

What happened to these, really? Why did it take so long for these to come back around?

He's here...another new nephew...(AHMAD MUQRI BIN KHAFIZI)

I’m an auntie again! my brother in law n wife had their third child, another boy in town ...… his name is Ahmad Muqri bin Khafizi. How i wish i am able to visit them today and admire Mook's (his new panggilan manja ) cute little newborn face! He definately smells just like a new baby, fresh out of the womb - Ah ! I loved it!!

I have to say, "just experienced" being an aunt......I have my hands full, and I am so excited! Again... And I'm so grateful that I will never forget that. It was so special to me. The challenge now is looking for a gift that is different from the previous baby present. Nak beli apa ek present kat Mook???

By the way and baby are reportedly doing just great! Congratulations to Khafizi and Airinda on the arrival of their third precious child!

So, I introduce my newest nephew! What a sweetie! I can't wait to spoil him rotten too.

You make baba n ummi of yours smile like nothing else. You take precious to a whole new level, little bubbly Mook....

Friday, 7 October 2011


I have so much going on in my head ....I don't even know where to start...

I spent all afternoon doing laundry. Washing the some dirty clothes we had from the last few days. Hopefully tomorrow I can find the time to iron the few pieces that need to be done...and hopefully I will have enough ambition tomorrow to finish what I didn't get to today.

The last few weeks have been really crappy around here. I also went the scale says I weigh DOT DOT DOT.... (biarlah rahsia ye)I am going to make myself lose 40-50 pounds. I HAVE to do it. Failure is not an option. If I have to buy a food scale, I will. less carbo...less sugar. Realizing that my tummy does wiggle like a jell-o, i decided to start watching what i eat and give up my sugar....i'm addicted to sugar and have the biggest sweet tooth in the world!!! oh its my weakness
Although , now that i realize that I've changed my food habits i get hungry more. I just take a deep breath, drink a lot of water and eat some prunes. I am now been a huge prunes fan and eat them daily. I feel good about it and will continue watching what i eat and enjoy the results!!!

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Power to you. You don't have to be good at everything!

2 weeks ago I was inspired to make mini cheesecake pop but the tedious process of making cheesecake makes me want to just walk over to Secret Recipe and eat their perfectly baked cheese cake. habis cerita....

Browsing thru the internet looking at the simplest recipe . yes found it... The recipe is from a favourite baking book - A Passion for Baking by Marcy Goldman!

Cheesecake Truffles
Makes 20 small truffles


For Cheesecake Batter:
250gm cream cheese (about half a pound), softened at room temp
1/2 cup sugar (or a little less)
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/3 cup whipping cream (or normal cream)
Small pinch of salt

For Dipping Chocolate:
8 ounces of semi sweet or milk chocolate, melted (Hershey's semi sweet chocolate bar)

Until now i dont smell anything from my kitchen yet but wait till I’m ready for this world’s most easiest mini cheesecake pop recipe.....

what the fuss about "masak"

Believe that. I can't really cook..I don't like that fact either. It's just plain sad.
I know I'm supposed to be feeding my kids home-cooked meals , but here's the thing: I hate cooking. I'm actually truly, truly grateful that I can buy things like prepared fast food as such mcD, A&W, KFC, Pizza, dominos, Nandos, Kenny Rogers...u name it all.... . I love that my son and hubby's busy schedules of after-school n office activities forces us to eat out several nights a week.

I'll admit, I sometimes feel a little left non-cook status was problematic. For example, my extended family keep asking me "kenapa tak masak?" arrrgggggghhhh....i go with "I don't like to cook" sentiment. I don't find cooking relaxing. I find it stressful. And then there are all those dishes afterwards!

but then in this day and age, I'm learning to cook and to preserve and to simply..slow down..all of it. So I have started actually cooking and find I feel so much better. It takes time, but it also takes a bit of love - something that was always missing in my "so-called cooking" before.

apple of my eye

It’s incredible how fast the time flies by. My Hannah was just handed to me and now she’s going to be 15 soon. My son aqil will be 13 in four months time.They were all just babies. I blinked… and now they aren’t. I guess I should be thankful that I started having kids at 25. I will still be semi young when they get even older and just maybe I will get to enjoy them even more.

I want to start off by saying this past month has been beyond hectic for me and aqil ..getting things ready for his upsr... after countless extra-classes, education camps, night tuitions and finally its all over and done...

Hiii. I'm back!

I'm back. I plan on writing up a bunch of posts tonight and getting them scheduled. I've still gotta kind of navigate my way around this whole new layout on blogger.
I've also decided to make some changes to the blog, but more on that later whenever I get things in order better. Hhmmm...I guess that's all I've got to say. See y'all around!