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A mother of two…Hannah n aqil…i believe in family. i believe in simplicity.. i believe in the golden rule. i believe in natural. mostly, i believe in being happy. This is a slice of my life. Last but not least I have a workaholic husband to feed us all well, that pretty much shuts me up. Jangan marah ek

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Thursday, 13 October 2011

what a day-long conversation with liza

Do you know that I try to be really careful not to write anything "bad" about anyone. I think some people would do that, but not in my blog. I really would hate to hurt anyone's feelings or business afterall... There are so many things I'd love to write about but i don't because I know they'd eventually come back to bite me in the ass....I wont go trying to ruin someone's reputation.. especially my immediate family...

I know I'm NOT patient and calm person at all so that i am worried about!!!! it's not necessarily the person dat bad mouthing me but the people around me may be affected.... especially today....had a very long telephone conversation with my beloved cousin Liza....couldnt say more.....mostly it covers all about the third party story ....mengucap ajelah ...but once i'm done talking to Liza i can easily call the third party and screw "her" up..I’m not going to bad mouth "her" the third party in my blog, I’m tempted to but I won’t do it..It's so childish.

And speaking about this bad experience... even during arwah mak is still around... this "third party" really behave exactly like a bitch and whine about every single little thing .. so its typically of "her" hormone ...i presumed..

Actually, on second thoughts....i don't give her a chance to bad-mouth about me. Before she does that, i should be nice to everybody...... When everybody sees this side of me, I don't think her bad-mouthing will work.

I just don't think people realize the harm they can do to a person with just a couple of words.

Go ahead super bitch and have a nice time!!!