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A mother of two…Hannah n aqil…i believe in family. i believe in simplicity.. i believe in the golden rule. i believe in natural. mostly, i believe in being happy. This is a slice of my life. Last but not least I have a workaholic husband to feed us all well, that pretty much shuts me up. Jangan marah ek

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Sunday, 9 December 2012

Mud bath Dec 9, 2012

My Aqil trains U13 Bintang Rugby Club during his school holidays break. He loves his rugby. He is fanatical about this sport and Rugby at the moment is the top of his list. He sleeps with his rugby PS Vita game.

In this training team he is always the medium guy on the field. I estimate that some of the players in the same teams would be almost double his weight and his height again. Aqil's position is scrum half. This means that he is always in the midst of the action.

Coaches are allowed on the pitch to guide them and this good clubs (BRC)stress exercise and sportsmanship rather than score line.

Every week I watch him trains at padang Utara, Petaling Jaya. He is good enough for most of the other guys cant easily knock him down. Every time he gets the ball and manage to offload. But, he never stops getting into the rucks, tackling, looking for the ball and loving the game. In the end I am not sure who won or lost this game coz its only a training game session....but what I do know that these guys played with their hearts. I, like every other proud Mommy, that day felt my heart swell as I watched my Aqil play to his full potential against a bigger, faster and stronger team.

One of the most important parts of Aqil's rugby game is at the end when he asks me how he went. My feedback matters to Aqil. He needs me to watch him and give him advice.

This I think is the most important lesson I have learned. That going to the rugby training every week is one of my most valuable inputs I have into my Aqil's life. When he asks me, “did u see i did the try Mommy”? My affirmation is vital for Aqil. He needs to know that he has done exactly what I asked and I love watching his face light up when he is told he did well.

Learning is about growth. We only understand ourselves when we others take the time to give us feedback.

You can probably tell that I am quite a proud Mommy. I love the way that my Aqil is developing and I feel a great responsibility in ensuring that he is equipped to grow into a responsible adult. I am continually learning about how to become a better parent and am looking for ways that I can grow my understanding of my children.