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A mother of two…Hannah n aqil…i believe in family. i believe in simplicity.. i believe in the golden rule. i believe in natural. mostly, i believe in being happy. This is a slice of my life. Last but not least I have a workaholic husband to feed us all well, that pretty much shuts me up. Jangan marah ek

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Tuesday, 25 September 2012

cheering mom

At first I don't want my Aqil to play rugby for his school ... it's too violent !!! I believes the rugby field has become far too dangerous a place for his 13 year-old kiddo and looking at his size...Was it right to teach young boys such a brutal and dangerous game? Yes ,call me an over-protective mom, call me a hypocrite, but I don't want my Aqil to play rugby. but the daddy approves all and being very supportive... For what i've seen on tv ruggers are more prone to injury when tackling of course, but i can be wrapping him in cotton wool right?.. okay if he didn’t play rugby,he would probably do something else equally or more dangerous – he is a boy after all. But then i am letting my Aqil making his own decision without my influence, that is the role i should play in helping him decide his future. My Aqil was selected for first team player in his school team and nothing more can i be proud off and looking at him,i know he loves the game.... and as a boy he want to play sport with his friends, compete, improve himself and feel the high of winning. It has been 3 saturday mornings that my hubby and i been cheering for our 13 year old Aqil rugby match... Fantastic..He made it to the right place at the right time....but for me, I would exhale, settle down, and enjoy the game and snapping pictures of course...And i began to love the game... I am all worry about him. i stand there at the edge of the field, too nervous to sit. Eyes trained on the pitch....Secretly praying my Aqil will have the good sense to get out of the way when a boy twice his size is barreling toward him at full speed. Insanely proud when he doesn't.... In the end of the day, nothing spells a relief pheffttttt when the sun start warming you in surrounded by school spirit, enjoying the sportsmanship, win or lose, and watching my Aqil turn into a man in front of hubby and my eyes. And sending a silent prayer heavenly each time another match is over. That sounds very stressful yeah....
Rugby moms and dads anxiously watching the match
Aqil making his stand...
...and ending up at the very bottom of this
The scrum
The tackle
The injury
Aqil lifter by forward player
Team talk
The MCKK cheering squad