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A mother of two…Hannah n aqil…i believe in family. i believe in simplicity.. i believe in the golden rule. i believe in natural. mostly, i believe in being happy. This is a slice of my life. Last but not least I have a workaholic husband to feed us all well, that pretty much shuts me up. Jangan marah ek

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Saturday, 20 October 2012

FB again

Morning daily up from bed, start on my FB while doing some morning business lah...From time to time, I clean up my FB page. I have no use for bullshit, drama, fakes, liars, assholes or douche-bags. I don't really want to know about their lives and I certainly don't want them knowing about mine....
Not that I never update my status with anything personal, that's just not my thing. Why in the world would it be any one's business where I go, who I am with, what I am wearing, feeling, doing, eating or thinking every 5 minutes of the day? i mean its okay if its 3 times a week but not every 5 minutes.....????
I don't have an issue with self-importance or narcissism, so I don't feel a need to share how many shits I take a day or post pictures of how good my looks or even how much money i spent on my new Apple, Noritake, BMW, jeweleries and so on......

So, I cleaned it up and un-friended a few people. I didn't think they would notice since I have not spoken a real word to them in years. I don't comment on any of their statuses or pictures, I don't "poke" them or send them birthday wishes.

Anyway those i deleted are those that I haven't seen or talked to either one of these years. I don't consider them friends, never did and never will.

Then, there is few of my FB friend that i wish i could deleted them a few years back. This psycho bitch is always having this passive aggressive attitude but i know that she would realized if i would deleted her. I bet her she will be in a total craziness. And let me tell you, this is a very toxic bitch. She had to be the most two-faced backstabbing person I have ever known in my life, as well as a brown-noser. I couldn't wait to get rid of her, in fact, it was the first thing I did when I got the chance...

I remember, i did once deactivate my FB page and in a matter of hours I received a separate private messages via phone calls/sms basically asking me what happened to my FB? Wow, I am shocked....totally shocked...She is seriously upset about losing a Facebook friend. I don't think I'd even notice if I lost a friend or two on Facebook unless of course it was someone that I had an actual relationship or friendship with. Anyway, I find it kind of funny. Actually, I found it hysterical.

It just seems to me that people invest more emotion in their Facebook "friends" then they do in their real life friends. It shouldn't be used as a replacement for actual real relationships and it shouldn't be used to concoct some fantasy life or portray yourself as something you are not. But, these are just my opinions, and maybe I am wrong, who knows. But judging from the links below, I don't think I am too off the charts with this. Talk about crazy!