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A mother of two…Hannah n aqil…i believe in family. i believe in simplicity.. i believe in the golden rule. i believe in natural. mostly, i believe in being happy. This is a slice of my life. Last but not least I have a workaholic husband to feed us all well, that pretty much shuts me up. Jangan marah ek

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Friday, 30 November 2012

My saturday Morning

Hey personal journal! Thought it was about time that I checked in with my agenda again! It's been quite a while since my last blog post! Not only have I had sort of a blogger's block but i have had some busy weekends and happenings going on lately! Not to mention I have been going up and down my teenage kids off with school holidays activities...phewhhhhh....

From the moment these 2 monsters woke up till the moment they doze off at night or maybe early morning,my home is constantly filled with laughter, cries, shrieks, stamping of feet, video games, tv…you name it. Don’t get me wrong. I kinda of like all of it ….most of the time coz i valued the time i am now with them ... :)

Entertaining the children during school holidays on a budget - In my house lie ins don't happen (Little man (Aqil)and little woman(Hannah) sees to that) that the only time the these two kids want to lay in is on a school holiday! So in order to see through the school holidays without breaking the bank I have put together a (sort of) plan of action of entertainment that helps keeps costs down....Free Swimming sessions!!!

Free Golf sessions with daddy!!!

Golf is a game that can not be won...only played